Your Own Home, LLC
What hours and days are your caregivers available?
Our caregivers are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day for home care in Wilmington, DE.
Do I have to sign a contract or keep services for a specific period of time?
A contract is signed that specifies your rights, the services to be provided, a tentative schedule, and applicable rates for home care in Wilmington, DE. There’s no set time or financial commitment and it can be modified at any time. You will not be held to any service commitment.
Can your caregiver provide medical and home nursing services?
No. Our caregivers provide non-medical services only for home health care in Wilmington, DE.
How are your caregivers screened?
All our caregivers are thoroughly screened, including competency testing, drug testing, references, and criminal and driving record checks. In addition, all related experience is validated. Call Your Own Home, LLC today to get started with our personalized home care in Wilmington, DE.
What do I do if I don’t like my caregiver?
If you’re unhappy with your caregiver for any reason, we’ll handle the replacement as quickly as possible. We’ll make sure it won’t be an uncomfortable situation for you. Reach out today for quality home health care in Wilmington, DE.
How does companion support compare to assisted living or adult day care?
You won’t receive one-on-one care in day care or in a facility, as you do with our home care in Wilmington, DE. Our home care is tailored 100% to you.
What happens if our caregiver gets sick and can’t come that day?
We’ll notify you and ask if you want a replacement. One will be provided as quickly as possible and will be brought up to date on your situation. Call today to learn more about home care in Wilmington, DE.
Are caregivers able to handle bathing and dressing?
We strive to provide comprehensive home care in Wilmington, DE. While caretakers cannot fulfill bathing and dressing, we have several CNAs on staff to handle cases with such needs.
What do you mean by “light housekeeping?"
When it comes to our home care in Wilmington, DE, “light housekeeping” could include refreshing the bathroom, cleaning the dishes, handling the client’s laundry, and completing other daily miscellaneous tasks.
Will we have the same caregiver every time?
Although we can’t guarantee it, our goal is to provide the same caregiver for every client. This is much easier to do when given a set schedule for your loved one. Contact us today for more details about our home care in Wilmington, DE.