Beat The Heat
The Dog Days are upon us which can be a real challenge for some, especially those of us who do not have AC. Here are some tips to help you through the next heat wave.
Fill a bucket with ice and place it in front of a portable fan making sure the lip is bellow the rotating blades.
Try to stay indoors during the day. If you have outdoor activities do them before 10AM or after 6PM.
Use light blocking shades or draw your curtains during the day and open your windows at night to help keep your house cool. Reduce the use of heat generating appliances like your dryer or oven as much as possible.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. During a heat wave FEMA recommends drinking plenty of water, even if you aren’t thirsty. Water is crucial to staying cool. Take a cold shower or run cold water over your wrists for a quick cool down.
Wear loose fitting clothes preferably of light colored light weight fabrics that allow air to circulate around your skin.
Keep flat ice packs in your freezer and apply them to your neck, back. joints etc for a quick and refreshing cool down. Place ice packs under your pillow and in your bed at night to help you get to sleep.
Eat frequent light meals. Salads, fruit, sandwiches, veggies and dip, dairy products and of course Ice Cream.
Plan ahead. Keep an eye on the weather and schedule heavy housework and outside chores before the heat wave hits.
Go somewhere air conditioned. The Mall, the movies, the library, the grocery store or just go for a drive.
If you become extremely enervated, short of breath or light headed seek medical attention immediately.